John Sarrin
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Applications For The Scholarship....
It all started when...
John Sarrin, a young man from Latvia, came to this country in 1907. His search for a meaningful personal religion led him to Friends. He was a subscriber to the Friends Missionary Advocate and believed that Friends women would carry out his wishes for the use of his money after his death. By frugality, careful saving, and wise investing, he accumulated a sizeable estate.
John Sarrin died in 1968 in Tucson, Arizona. His will named the United Society of Friends Women as trustee of his estate and designated the use that should be made on the income from the trust.
The use of the income is limited to the provisions of the will. This includes scholarships to committed Christians "for advanced education as Friends ministers and/or Friends missionaries and/or the children of either, and/or persons preparing for service among Friends in these fields...If there are no qualifying applicants in any one year, the funds may be distributed...to further the work of Friends' missions among Latin Americans.
The John Sarrin Scholarship Committee is responsible for allotting scholarship grants in keeping with the wishes specified in the will of John Sarrin and for other business involving the John Sarrin Trust.
Overseas students please note the new policy changes.
African Policy: John Sarrin Scholarships will no longer be available for African students who are not enrolled at Friends Theological College (FTC) in Kaimosi. This change has been made due to the new accreditation of the college. Students can now receive all of their training at FTC. Any exceptions will be left up to the FTC Principal. Applications will be processed through FTC.
All Central American applicants must apply through: Evangelical Friends Church Southwest PO Box 2079 Yorba Linda, CA 92886
Bolivian applicants must email their applications to Esteban Ajnota ajnotaescoaf@yahoo.es
Do not send your applications to the John Sarrin Scholarship clerk